
College Ministry

The Barnabas College Ministry is a wonderful ministry for students to stay close to the Lord, as many will leave home for the first time. 

This ministry is also a blessing for adults who are busy working full-time, have a family, and are looking for a meaningful way to serve the Lord.

The name Barnabas means ‘encouragement, exhortation and comfort’. We, as Barnabas mentors, want to reach out to college students by sharing encouragement with them.

  • Barnabas Mentors

    Can you remember a time when you were in school and had a mentor or friend who sent you an encouraging note that made you feel it would all work out fine?

    We are seeking persons (or families) to be a Barnabas to a college student. Remembering that the name “Barnabas” means ‘encouragement, exhortation and comfort’, we want to reach out to college students by sharing encouragement with them.

    Here’s what your role will be as a Barnabas to a college student:

    • Communicate with the student assigned to you during the school year once a month if possible.

    • Pray for your student every day.

    • This program will be run like a “Secret Santa”. You can choose to reveal your name to the student in May. Your return address will be the church’s address.

    • Communicating with your student can be done in a number of ways (will send you a packet of suggestions) that will be meaningful to your student and will remind him/her that they are still cared for and nurtured by their church family.

    The year will begin in September and end in May.

    If you have interest in becoming a Barnabas Mentor, or you are an adult who want to learn more about the program, please click on the link below.

  • Barnabas Students

    All college students, from community college to graduate school, including those living at home, members and NON-members of DSMC, we encourage you to participate in the Barnabas program.

    We have so many testimonies of Barnabas students who experienced love and encouragement from their mentor during the stress of the school year; that somehow spurred them on or gave them a sense of peace as they were preparing for an exam or feeling overwhelmed. That’s the Holy Spirit at work!

    You can watch student’s testimonies here and here.

    This is a wonderful opportunity to receive a surprise each month of the school year! And…. we have someone special who wants to communicate with you! It could be a snack (Yea!) or a card (birthday/holiday/finals?) or maybe a meditation (encouragement?), or a small gift. These surprises will remind you that you have not been forgotten. We offer the encouragement and hope of God’s Holy Word. He will carry you through student life and beyond. Now how could you turn this down?!

    Click on the link below to learn more about this ministry