Plan your
We look forward to welcoming you on a Sunday morning! We have several different services available for our community. In between our Traditional and Contemporary Services, we have a wide variety of Adult, Youth, and Children’s programs.
Traditional Service
Sunday, 8:30 am in the Sanctuary in the main building
Contemporary Service
Sunday, 11:15 am in The Foundry
Spanish Service
Sunday, 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary in the main building
What to expect
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Romans 15:7
Our Traditional Worship Service is held in the main Sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am. The entrance to the Sanctuary is from the parking area behind the church on the north end of the campus. This service consists of singing, Children’s Time with the pastor, scripture readings, prayers, and a message from the pastor. Song lyrics and responsive readings are provided on the overhead screens
The Traditional Service typically includes a chancel choir, handbell choir, or other special music.
We celebrate Holy Communion each week for anyone who would like to participate.
The Traditional service is followed by a Sunday School hour for all ages which begins at 10 am. Classes are held both in the Main building as well as in the Foundry.
Our Contemporary Worship Service is held in The Foundry (the building across the parking lot from the main building) on the south side of our campus at 11:15 am on Sunday mornings. This service consists of a Praise and Worship band with lots of singing, scripture reading, Children’s Time, prayer, and a message from the pastor. Lyrics and responsive readings are provided on overhead screens.
We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday for anyone who would like to participate. The Contemporary Service is live-streamed and is available to watch from our website.
The Contemporary Service is preceded by a Sunday School hour for all ages which begins at 10 am. Classes are held both in the Main building as well as in the Foundry.
Our Spanish Worship Service is held in the main Sanctuary on Sundays at 1 pm. The entrance to the Sanctuary is from the parking area behind the church on the north end of the campus. This service starts with a welcome song when people can follow along playing shakers and singing. The lyrics are displayed on the screens. This service follows a traditional line of worship, with scripture readings, children’s time, an inspiring message, and communion.
Our Spanish-speaking community is currently home to people from different parts of the world including Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and Honduras, and we love to see different cultures come together to worship and be there for one another as family.
The Spanish Service is live-streamed and is available to watch from our website.
All of our services are friendly and welcoming to visitors. Children of all ages are welcome in all services.
First Saturday Worship
We gather on the First Saturday of each month at 6:00 pm, in The Foundry at DS Methodist Church.
We know that life is busy and can be very stressful at times, so we have created a sacred space to come recharge and focus on God through an extended time of music and prayer.
Come as you are, without any pressure to perform or be perfect. We want to create a space where we can all seek to experience the presence of God and worship Him together.
We hope that you will join us for this special time of renewal on the first Saturday of every month.
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