
Everyone in the church family has a part to play. Jesus served the world by showing love to the unlovable, meeting the practical needs of the needy, and sharing God's grace to the lost. He came to serve. As imitators of Jesus Christ, we also serve.

There are ways to intentionally serve one another at Dripping Springs Methodist Church.
To learn more about our volunteer opportunities, email or call the church office at (512)894-7123.

opportunities to Serve on sundays


This team leads us through worship by running the slides for announcements, scripture, song lyrics, etc during service for in-person and online worship. If you are interested, we will be happy to show you how you can help!

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, 11:15 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


Do you have a love for children and would be interested in teaching our children about our God? We need volunteers on a regular basis to help teach Sunday School, and on a periodic basis to help with our Children's events and in the nursery.


We would love your help with Driving the bus to pick up children at the middle and high school on Wednesdays, and serving as adult chaperone during our camps.


Acolytes bring the light of Christ into Worship Services. To be an Acolyte, children must be able to follow directions, and tall enough to reach the candles on the stage - usually 7 years of age and older.

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


The Liturgist has the privilege of proclaiming God's word. Volunteering to be the Liturgist is an important part of the worship ministry at DS Methodist. Engaging the congregation through reading the Prayer of Illumination and hearing scripture will create an environment of worship and thanksgiving.

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


Communion is one of the last blessings that Jesus gave to His disciples at the Last Supper. It is part of what defines us as Christians. Communion is a very special time of reflection, prayer, and oneness with God. A time to remember God's love for us. Our Traditional and Spanish Worship Services serve communion every week, and the Contemporary Service serves communion on the first Sunday of the month. No need to worry about what to say, the words are on the screen, and we are here to help and train you. This is one of the greatest servant honors you may experience.

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, 11:15 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


As an usher, you have the opportunity to represent the Church while being friendly and welcoming. We want our guests and members to feel loved and welcomed. There are different ways to serve as an usher before and during the service.

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, 11:15 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


The Sanctuary Organization team will make sure that the congregation is ready for worship and that people are able to access what they need during worship services.

You may sign up to serve during the 8:30 am, 11:15 am, or 1:00 pm Worship Service.


Hospitality is a wonderful way for those new to the church or with a busy schedule, to connect with the needs of the church and the community. The Hospitality committee at DS Methodist Church hosts receptions (light meals, snacks or desserts) to those in our church family and community as they experience the joys and hardships of life. Your commitment can be as simple as dropping off a requested food item, or helping with setup and cleanup.

Interested in serving?

Please fill out the form by clicking on the button below and we will contact you with more information.


get involved! Serve on a Mission

  • Barnabas Ministry

    The Barnabas College Ministry is a wonderful ministry for students to stay close to the Lord as many will leave home for the first time. This ministry is also a blessing for those who are busy working full time but are looking for a meaningful way to serve the Lord.

    If you are a college student and want to receive encouraging letters during the school year, or an adult wanting to become a Barnabas menor, please check the link below.

  • Camp Break Away

    The mission of Camp Breakaway is to share the message of God's love, grace, and forgiveness to show the unconditional love and saving power of Jesus Christ, and to teach that all lives are worthwhile and have purpose because of God's endless love. During the weekend, we'll have inspirational talks, worship. The creative activities have some good old traditional camp fun like fishing, swimming, nine square campfires and s'mores, singing skits and wonderful food.

    Camp Break Away is a Christian based camp for the boys of the Burke Center for Youth.

  • Disaster Response and Recovery

    Serving those affected by disasters, volunteers respond in various ways to help stop damage in the immediate aftermath.

    After the disaster has passed, volunteers can return to help put damaged homes back together.

    Open to both skilled and unskilled people, Disaster Response and Recovery volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ after the storm.

  • Grace Girls

    This is a Mission group for girls in n3rd-5th grade that want to serve our community.

    We meet once a month on Thursdays.

    If your 3rd-5th grader girl wants to join us, please visit the link below.

  • Heading Home ATX

    Heading Home TX is a volunteer non-profit ministry based in central Texas that began in Dripping Springs, TX.

    Watch the video

    We help restore dignity to homeless persons living on the street by distributing care bags containing personal care items. Since 2019, hundreds of care bags have been distributed by volunteers from area churches on a person-to-person basis in the Austin area and surrounding suburbs.

    Grab a hygiene bag in the foyer of our church and keep in your vehicle to give to a homeless brother or sister.

  • Home in a Week

    “Home in a Week” helps Churches/groups build a home for those in need in just one week. This is done through pre building walls, trusses, and floor joist boxes, which are then transported to the home site.

    Ways to help:

    -Material Donation
    - Monetary Donation
    - Feed the team
    - Be a part of the Pre-Team
    - Be a part of the Away Team

  • Kairos Prison Ministry

    The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.

  • Missionary Support

    DSMC partners with missionaries within the USA and internationally, to help support him financially, with our prayers and encouragement, and extend opportunities to spread the word about their work within our congregation.

  • Hometown Missions

    It is the mission of Hometown Missions to seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing the local community together to build and repair homes, inspiring hope.

    Their Vision

    Every Dripping Springs neighbor has a safe and healthy place to live.

Interested in being part of a Mission Team?

Please fill out the form by clicking on the button below and selecting the types of mission work you are interested in.