Worship Songs

Click on the name of the song to read the lyrics.

  • There's peace that outlasts darkness
    Hope that's in the blood
    There's future grace that's mine today
    That Jesus Christ has won
    So I can face tomorrow
    For tomorrow's in Your hands
    All I need You will provide
    Just like You always have

    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won
    No matter what comes my way
    I will overcome
    I don't know what You're doing
    But I know what You've done
    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won

    There's mercy in the waiting
    Mana for today
    And when it's gone I know you're not
    You are my hope and stay
    When the sea is raging
    Your Spirit is my help
    He'll fix my eyes on Jesus Christ
    And I'll say that is well
    Oh I know that it is well

    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won
    No matter what comes my way
    I will overcome
    I don't know what You're doing
    But I know what You've done (thank you God)
    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won

    I know how the story ends
    We will be with You again
    You're my Savior my defense
    No more fear in life or death
    I know how this story ends

    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won
    No matter what comes my way
    I will overcome
    I don't know what You're doing
    But I know what You've done (thank you God)
    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won

    I'm fighting a battle
    You've already won

  • Come Thou fount of every blessing
    Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
    Streams of mercy never ceasing
    Call for songs of loudest praise

    Teach me some melodious sonnet
    Sung by flaming tongues above
    Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it
    Mount of Thy redeeming love

    Here I raise my Ebenezer
    Here by Thy great help I've come
    And I hope by Thy good pleasure
    Safely to arrive at home

    Jesus sought me when a stranger
    Wandering from the fold of God
    He to rescue me from danger
    Interposed His precious blood
    (Precious blood)

    Oh, that day when freed from sinning
    I shall see Thy lovely face
    Clothed then in blood washed linen
    How I'll sing Thy sovereign grace

    Come my Lord, no longer tarry
    Take my ransomed soul away
    Send Thine angels now to carry
    Me to realms of endless days

    Oh, to grace how great a debtor
    Daily I'm constrained to be
    Let Thy goodness like a fetter
    Bind my wandering heart to Thee

    Prone to wander, Lord I feel it
    Prone to leave the God I love
    Here's my heart, oh take and seal it
    Seal it for Thy courts above

    Here's my heart
    Oh take and seal it
    Seal it for Thy courts above

  • El esplendor de un rey, vestido en majestad
    La tierra alegre está, la tierra alegre está
    Cubierto está de luz, venció la oscuridad
    (Y) tiembla a su voz, tiembla a su voz

    Cuan grande es Dios, cántale
    Cuan grande es Dios
    (Y) todos lo verán cuan grande es Dios

    The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty,
    Let all the Earth rejoice, All the Earth rejoice
    He wraps himself in light, And darkness tries to hide,
    And trembles at His voice, Trembles at His voice

    How great is our God, sing with me,
    How great is our God
    and all will see, How great, how great is our God

    Tu nombre sobre todo es,
    Tu eres digno de alabar
    Y mi ser dir, cuan grande es Dios

    Name above all names,
    Worthy of our praise,
    My heart will sing, How great is our God

    Cuan grande es Dios, cántale
    Cuan grande es Dios,
    (Y) todos lo verán cuan grande es Dios

    How great is our God, sing with me,
    How great is our God
    and all will see, How great, how great is our God

    Cuan grande es Dios, cántale
    Cuan grande es Dios,
    (Y) todos lo verán cuan grande es Dios

  • Mi corazón entona la canción.
    Cuan grande es Él. Cuan grande es Él.
    Mi corazón entona la canción.

    Cuan grande es Él. Cuan grande es Él.

    Señor, mi Dios, al contemplar los cielos,

    El firmamento y las estrellas mil.
    Al oir tu voz en los potentes truenos
    Y ver brillar el sol en su cenit.

    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art
    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

    When through the woods, and forest glades I wander
    And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
    When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
    And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.

    Mi corazón entona la canción.
    Cuan grande es Él. Cuan grande es Él.
    Mi corazón entona la canción.

    Cuan grande es Él. Cuan grande es Él.

    Cuando el Señor me llame a su presencia,
    Al dulce hogar, al cielo de esplendor.

    Le adoraré, cantando la grandeza

    De su poder y su infinito amor.

    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art
    Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art

What’s Happening at the Church Picnic

9:30 - Worship with Communion and the blessing of backpacks
10:30 - Tours at the Pound House and Yard Games
11:00 - Potluck Lunch
12:00 - Pooltime/fellowship