Let us not give up meeting together

Let us not give up meeting together … but let us encourage one another (Heb 10:25)

As Christians, we are meant to be in a relationship with our Christian brothers and sisters - worshipping, encouraging one another, and leaning on each other for support during challenging seasons of life.

Gathering together takes on many forms and is not limited to Sunday morning worship services. It may be as informal as praying with your spouse or two or more family members. It may be meeting with Christian friends, sharing a meal, or gathering in a small group for bible study. All of these gatherings are important and provide us with tools to navigate through life with Christ in the center as our anchor.

Sometimes we may need to visit one on one with an individual trained in the art of truly listening to our deepest thoughts and feelings in a confidential, non-judgmental manner. A pastor would be an excellent individual for this purpose. If your needs continue over a period of time, a Stephen Minister may be right for you.

A Stephen Minister is a caring member of the Dripping Springs Methodist Church who offers personalized support to individuals in need.

  • Personalized: Each Stephen Minister is matched with a care receiver of the same gender, and they meet in person once a week for about an hour, in a location they both agree upon. This caring relationship continues until the specific needs of the care receiver have been addressed.

  • Volunteer Care: Stephen Ministers are dedicated volunteers who have received extensive training and supervision. They provide a high level of care, although it's important to note that they are not professional caregivers like counselors, therapists, pastors, or physicians.

  • Expressing Christ's Love: The care provided by a Stephen Minister is an embodiment of Christ's love and an extension of the pastoral care within the congregation. When it comes to matters of faith, Stephen Ministers meet their care receivers where they are and assist them in navigating challenges without imposing their beliefs.

  • Caring Approach: Stephen Ministers show care by actively listening, offering support, praying, and helping their care receivers explore their emotions in a non-judgmental manner. Their focus is on providing emotional and spiritual support, rather than other forms of assistance such as shopping, transportation, or childcare. However, they may help care receivers find resources to address these needs if necessary.

  • Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality is crucial to Stephen Ministers. They keep all personal information, identity, and details of conversations strictly confidential. You can feel comfortable opening up to your Stephen Minister, knowing that they won't disclose any sensitive information to others.

    If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact Ken Heffley at 214-212-1548. He will be happy to discuss this with you and prayerfully consider assigning a Stephen Minster to you.

To learn more about our Caring Ministries, please visit the link below


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