A Holy Boast

We live in an age where the display of one’s personal prowess is lauded and desirable. There is a certain admiration that is felt for those who rely on themselves and their perception of the world to order their lives in a way that brings success. Political pundits are applauded for their snap judgments and perceptions based upon the way the world works. Business leaders and entrepreneurs are hailed for succeeding in their fields and relying on their own vision of the world to position them to achieve and benefit. But Jesus taught a different way to His disciples. “But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves” (Luke 22:26).

For us, we glory not in our cleverness or wisdom but rather in the work of Jesus who has redeemed and is redeeming us from this present evil age (Acts 2:40, Galatians 1:4). Last week, we considered the words of commentator Mark Holmes who urges us to choose a different way, calling us, “...to shift from relying on our thoughts of God, to relying on God’s revelation of himself.” This is the heart of Paul’s message to the Corinthian believers in our text this week; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Instead of reveling in human wisdom, and relying on our vision of the world, Paul urges us to view the world through the lens of the cross. When we do so, a great upheaval takes place in our souls and we begin to understand the necessity of adopting a different rhythm; one that requires us to rearrange our life around Jesus.

I hope that you will join us as we explore what it means to rely on the foolishness of God to save us from this present evil age and make our boast in the Lord.

Grace & Peace,

Rev. Adam Thornton


Compelled By Love


Living in Community