The Greatest Story of All - A Story Worth Telling

Have you ever wondered about the first part of Matthew’s gospel that includes the genealogy of Jesus? You know the one I’m talking about; the one that says this person was the father of so and so, who was the father of so and so. Have you ever wondered why that was included by Matthew? Certainly, we are quite familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth that follows. We hear it almost every Christmas and it is a regular part of our Advent tradition as Christians. But why the family tree?

The story of Jesus is much older than His birth. It is the story of countless generations of God’s people waiting for the one that will make a better world. The genealogies are the important link between the hope-filled generations and the much anticipated Messiah. This story is the greatest story of all because it is the story of everyone. In the story of Jesus we find our collective stories of pain, suffering, hardship, loss, strength, kindness, generosity, and triumph. That story is definitely a story worth telling.

Come celebrate the greatest story of all this Advent season at Dripping Springs Methodist Church.

Rev. Adam Thornton


The Greatest Story of All - A Competing Story


WHAT WE BELIEVE - We Are Saved By Grace