Sincere Faith

To say that mothers are an important part of our lives would be a gross understatement. They are, in fact, central to our growth and development as human beings. Even more so, they are an essential part of God’s design for the family and play a foundational part of the development and understanding of our faith. Mothers show us the heart of God and instill in us a sense of mercy and community. Our mothers love us, nurture us, and equip us to interact in the social dimension of the world. 

In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, the Apostle pauses to give thanks for the faith that was passed to Timothy from his mother and grandmother. Paul builds upon that faith as he instructs Timothy about life in the kingdom and the responsibility of those who lead in the church.

This Sunday, we will be celebrating our deserving mothers and the wonderful women who have poured so much into us pointing us toward Christ, and we will be looking at the power of spiritual mothers in the sermon entitled Sincere Faith.

Grace & Peace,

Rev. Adam Thornton


Pentecost - A Prepared People


Spiritual Warfare