Spiritual Warfare

As we draw to the end of our series on Ephesians, God’s Eternal Purpose, we arrive in chapter six of Paul’s letter.  Paul shifts from his discussion of what Christ has done for us and what we have to leave behind, in order to draw our attention to the nature of our struggle. It is natural to approach our struggles in life from an empirical, or worldly point of view.  Our initial response to what we witness is usually to see it as the efforts of malevolent or ignorant persons acting for their own self-interest. For example, we see and hear about the recent riots and protests on college campuses and we become frustrated with the protestors and their actions. We see perversions of justice, antisemitism, racism, and the like as contained with human beings. If you are like me, you wonder, what is to be done about all of this? 

Have you considered for a moment that maybe we might be looking at this in the wrong way, or rather, through the wrong lens? If we are, then maybe we should consider a more spiritual response to the chaos we encounter. This Sunday, we will be exploring our response as Christ-followers in Ephesians 6:10-20 in a sermon entitled Spiritual Warfare.

Grace & Peace,

Rev. Adam Thornton


Sincere Faith


Living in Love and Light